A computer you'll fall in love with
A computer that runs certified UNIX.
A computer that is thin and light.
A computer you can't hear when it's on.
A computer with a beautiful display.
A computer with the fastest storage.
A computer with the best trackpad.
A computer with great battery life.
A computer made of premium materials, that feels great to handle.
A computer with great looking fonts.
A computer you can open with one finger.
A computer with ports that will become better over time, not worse.
A computer with great resale value, that is still useful for someone after years of loving use.
A computer that is encrypted by default.
A computer with another computer inside it, to secure your data.
A computer that foregoes old buttons in favour of breaking new ground.
A computer that always turns on when you ask it to, and doesn't need to chime to confirm.
A computer that wakes briskly from sleep and unlocks itself if it's you.
A computer that doesn't need drivers.
A computer that runs beautiful software, made by people that care.
A computer with a screen that will dim and brighten on its own.
A computer that shuts off its fans or speakers so it can hear you better.
A computer you can find if it's stolen.
A computer that is accessible, from the moment when you're first setting it up.
A computer you can answer phone calls or SMS messages from.
A computer that updates itself when you're not using it.
A computer that backs itself up, and syncs your most important folders, music, photos to your other devices.
A computer with consistent key bindings between applications, but that allows you to change anything.
A computer that knows where all your files are, and presents them when you type their name in.
A computer that does all of the above, out of the box.